Domain Name Marketplace

Premium Domain Name

For Sale

Are you a freedom-minded individual that needs to spread a message? If so, will suit the needs of any aspiring anarchist!


The true definition of "Anarchy" doesn't mean without rules. It means without Rulers! No Masters and No Slaves! Freedom of the net is currently an issue with governments and corporations spying on the unwitting masses. More recently, the abolition of Net Neutrality has given the ability to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to discriminate users as they see fit. We need people to document the fight against these forces and provide resources to those who wish to become educated in such matters...

This domain has loads of potential for helping to free minds and push forward the ideas that instill freedom on the net! Some uses of this domain could include:

  • A Database of Anarchy-Related/Tech Freedom Media Resources
  • A Site For Anarchist Podcasts
  • A Place to Livestream Riots and Other Happenings
  • A Site with Convention and Meet-up Information
  • A Shop For Anarchist Merchandise

According to Google, the traffic for the keyword "techno" has 12,100 searches per month and a top of page cost-per-click of $1.35. While the second keyword "anarchy" generates a high 165,000 monthly searches with a high page bid of $3.39! Lastly, this domain's unique name is sure to stick in visitor's minds and keep people coming back.

See what similar domain names have sold for:

  • $10,000
  • $2,000
  • $1,250
  • $1,025
  • $517


Act fast! When this domain name sells, it will be very difficult to purchase later if it is already in use. While you still have the chance, buy this domain and start spreading freedom today!

If you are willing to make us a reasonable offer on this name, we would be willing to sell it outright, or even lease to own. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us using the form below.
