Domain Name Marketplace

Premium Domain Name

For Sale

Are you looking for a great locally targeted website address with the exact match keywords for "Michigan" and "Plastic Surgeons"?

We are offering a .com (Dot Com), domain name for sale which is comprised of 23 characters of searchable keywords. This makes it a perfect Premium Keyword Domain Name! Domains like this are difficult to find and many of the good ones are already registered.


Business Use Cases

We may develop this domain name into a business listing directory website in the near future. Below are some ideas on how this domain could generate revenue.

Plastic Surgeons Directory Create a directory website or webapp for plastic surgeons and practices located throughout Michigan. This could be used for potential patients to lookup local surgeons and reviews.
Sell Paid Listings and Advertising Offer a one-page template listing or landing page for plastic surgery practices organized by town or city. These could be used to get phone calls to their office numbers for questions and to make appointments, as well as collecting leads through a contact form. You could easily charge a monthly fee for the listings as long as there was a good amount of website traffic.

Plastic Surgery Guides and Resources

Offer various types of information about different procedures and what to expect, or how to choose the best surgeons.
Industry Association Site Create a Michigan Plastic Surgeons Association website which includes a paid membership system, exclusive resources for plastic surgeons, calendar of events and more!


Keyword Search Volume

The total average search volume for keywords related to “Michigan Plastic Surgeons” is 9,000 searches per month! Most of the 157 keyword combinations that could be used are city and county names within Michigan. "Best Plastic Surgeons Michigan" is one of the top search phrases.


Comparable Domain Name Sales $3,988 $2,500 $2,288 $1,150 $600


We will consider any reasonable offer on this domain name. We can transfer control directly to you with full payment, or you can lease it if you prefer to test it out. We also have available as well. We offer multi-domain discounts upon request. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us using the form below.
