Domain Name Marketplace


Premium Domain Name
For Sale

Are you looking to start a business pertaining to wedding and bridal shower services? If so, is a perfect fit!

This domain name is for sale or lease and has lots of potential. It could be used as:

  • A Directory Site for Wedding Venues and Vendors
  • An Online Store for selling Wedding Rings, Diamond Rings and other Wedding Related Gifts
  • A Business Site for selling wedding services

This site has the keywords "bride" and "cash" the latter of which is currently highly popular. According to Google, the term "bride" has been searched for 49,500 times on average monthly and has a top page pay-per-click (PPC) bid of $2.11. While the term "cash" is searched for an average 74,000 times every month and has an average $2.73 as the top page bid!


Here are some examples of what similar domain names sell for:

  • $12,600
  • $2,500
  • $1,888

Act fast! When this domain name sells, it will be very difficult to purchase later if it is already in use. This domain would be excellent for any business related to bridal goods and services!

If you are willing to make us a reasonable offer on this name, we would be willing to sell it outright, or even lease to own. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us using the form below.

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